Monday, August 30, 2010

Returning to earth

Ever had an amazing vacation? The kind you have a hard time acknowledging is really and truly over? That was how Hawaii was. I have been in denial since we returned (has it been a month already?) and continued to sleep in, lay in the sun, and drink fruit. That's right- I drink fruit now.

But, all things must come to an end, and today, the last day of what I consider summer, I'm going to post a round up of August in Brood and Swarm land.

I have a few things to say about Hawaii first.

Mainly that it's awesome and absolutely worth the 10 hour flight and the cost of said flight. Next time we're staying longer.

And, because this is nominally a blog about my bees, here is how they store honey in Hawaii.

But to take it home you have to pass agriculture inspections, so we took a pass. It is hard for me to pass of edible cuteness, so you can understand that this was a difficult time in the vacation.

One of the neatest things we saw was a house of a friend, Mig. She owns a few acres just north of the beach on a mountainside, and has built the most amazing farm. Included on her land are chickens, both wild and free-range layers, a good sized vegetable garden, and fruit trees of every possible tropical varieties. There was an avocado tree producing fruit big enough to knock out a grown man, should the ripe fruit fall directly on his head. That's how I want to die by the way- killed by a perfect falling avocado when I'm 99.

The farm is mostly staffed by WWOOFers- traveling farmhand who put in a few hours of labour on an organic farm in exchange for lodging. Lest you think this sounds like taking advantage of migrant workers, they have plenty of time to attend to other jobs or studies, should they so choose. If we ever travel for a few months to another country, I think Mr. Holt and I will try to arrange to be WOOFers ourselves...

I don't know how it is elsewhere, but at Mig's farm, the Woofers have dedicated sleeping houses. Screened in sustainable units with composting toilets and wonderful private landscaping. One, for instance had a fence of bamboo around the back and flowering shrubs in front. There were beautiful, simple, made of recycled materials, and totally made me think of the kind of forts my brother and I built in the woods as kids.

Somehow, I didn't bring my camera that day, but I am on the hunt for pictures from the friend who lived there a whole year. Perhaps I can convince her to guest post about life as a Hawaiian wwoofer?

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